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Terapija za uganuće stopala, Oporavak nakon operacije koljena, Vježbe za istezanje mišića, Fizioterapija za ozljede sportaša, Kako liječiti bol u leđima, Rehabilitacija nakon operacije ramena, Najbolji načini za oporavak od uganuća, Vježbe za jačanje mišića nakon ozljede, Savjeti za ublažavanje bolova u zglobovima, Kako smanjiti oticanje nakon ozljede, Krioterapija za sportsku ozljedu, Vježbe za poboljšanje fleksibilnosti, Fizioterapija za išijas, Brzi oporavak nakon operacije kuka, Kako spriječiti ozljede tijekom treninga, Masaža za oporavak mišića, Vježbe za rehabilitaciju gležnja, Tretmani za kroničnu bol u vratu, Elektroterapija za bolove u mišićima, Savjeti za brži oporavak od ozljede.


Indiba therapy is a form of physiotherapy that uses radiofrequency technology for treatment and rehabilitation. It is used to treat various types of injuries and pain. This method activates the body's natural healing processes using a protocol based on a specific frequency of 448 kHz, known for its therapeutic properties. Radiofrequency waves penetrate deep into the tissue, improve microcirculation and stimulate regeneration at the cellular level.


Indiba therapy is not only effective for pain relief, but also offers numerous other benefits. This therapy is often used to speed recovery after sports injuries, reduce inflammation and improve general mobility. It is also useful in antiaging skin treatments, as it stimulates collagen production and improves skin elasticity. Through its anti-inflammatory action, Indiba can significantly improve the quality of life of patients recovering from various conditions.

  • Anti-inflammatory effect
  • Tissue regeneration
  • Reduces pain and swelling

INDIBA THERAPY FOR INJURIES IN ATHLETES - helps in quick recovery from sports injuries, is ideal for the prevention of muscle, tendon or ligament injuries.

Faster recovery and improved mobility

Athletes in particular can greatly benefit from Indiba therapy. Whether it is soft tissue injuries, such as muscles, tendons or ligaments, Indiba can significantly shorten recovery time. By using this technique, athletes can return to training and competition more quickly, reducing the risk of re-injury. In addition, regular use of Indiba can help maintain optimal musculoskeletal health, which is important for peak results.

  • Injury prevention: maintaining the health of the musculoskeletal system
  • Faster return to sports activities: less downtime after injuries
  • Optimum performance: reduction of muscle tension and pain


One of the key benefits of Indiba therapy is its ability to improve local blood circulation - a fundamental mechanism for tissue recovery and health. Improved circulation enables faster transport of nutrients and oxygen to damaged areas, which accelerates the healing process. Also, the reduction of inflammatory processes leads to less pain and greater functionality in everyday life.

  • Quick rehabilitation
  • Improved local circulation: more efficient transport of nutrients and oxygen
  • Faster resorption of edema: reduction of fluid accumulation in tissues
  • Pain reduction: relief of chronic and acute pain

Wound therapy with INDIB

If you have ever found yourself in a situation where you back pain due to long sitting interferes with daily activities, or you have experienced sports injury like foot sprains or tennis elbow, INDIBA therapy may be the solution you've been looking for.

Where everything INDIBA therapy helps?

  • Sports injuries and sprains: Ideal for athletes or recreational people, INDIBA therapy effectively reduces the time needed to recover from sprains, stretching and others sports injuries. INDIBA enables recovery in even 70% shorter time and heals bruises and edema.
  • Joint pain and stiffness: If they bother you arthritis, rheumatism or stiffness of the joints, INDIBA therapy can relieve these symptoms, restore your flexibility and reduce pain.
  • Back and neck pain: Injury therapy is effective in reducing chronic injuries pain caused by prolonged sitting or improper posture, provides lasting relief and improves mobility.
  • Postoperative recovery: After surgery, INDIBA therapy helps to speed up tissue healing, reduce swelling and pain, which results in a faster return to usual activities.
  • Regeneration and relaxation: Therapy is also useful in the acute phase it hurts and code chronic muscle fatigue, providing regeneration and relaxation.
  • Preparation for competitions and injury prevention: INDIBA is an indispensable method in the sports world, it is used for preparation athletes before competitions and for injury prevention.

Why choose rehabilitation INDIBO

Our approach is simple: to provide safe, quickly and efficient the solution to your problems.

WITH INDIBA therapy you can certainly speed up your recovery and improve your quality of life without long-term drug addiction.

Visit us and discover how INDIBA therapy can help you. Top athletes like Lionel Messi, Jordi Alba, Ivan Rakitić, Rafael Nadal and many others have already recognized the fantastic and fast results that INDIBA offers.


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